We invite you to explore and connect with existing New Worshiping Communities in the Kansas City Area.
Please note that COVID has affected regular/in-person gatherings. Double check community details or reach out to Sarah for more information (sarah@heartlandnwc.org).
The Open Table believes in a community where everyone belongs, a city where all have the power to pursue their dreams and ambitions, and a people who are committed to each other’s liberation, until all are at the table together. The Open Table KC creates space for hospitality, conversation, peace, and reconciliation, and they root their theology in contemplation and liberation. Gatherings always include food, music and conversation.
This community is led by Rev Letiah Fraser (she/her). Learn more on their website: theopentablekc.com.
Centerfield is a sports ministry dedicated to the physical and spiritual lives of the children in our community. Grown out of South Broadland Presbyterian Church which sits on an acre of land in the heart of our Waldo neighborhood, t-ball and softball have been enjoyed here for years. This new community provides training for parents to become coaches, on and off the field, and for children to be teammates to all of God’s creation. Community food and music events are ongoing. All are welcome to join us, as we seek together to worship God through play.
Reach out to Todd Moore (he/him) for more information: wtm911@gmail.com.
The Elder’s Circle is a community growing at Cherith Brook Catholic Worker House in the northeast neighborhood of Kansas City and led by Jodi (she/her) and Rev. Eric Garbison (he/him). With a long history of serving the under-resourced of our city, Cherith Brook’s leaders have begun to discern a greater call to the spiritual lives of their community. Discernment continues around bi-weekly breakfasts, music, and prayer. Stay tuned for what God is doing here!
To join Cherith Brook in their ministry of service and care, check out their website! Volunteers and donations are always needed: cherithbrookcw.blogspot.com.
Warriors of Light is a collective of diverse women from across the Kansas City area, committed to praising Jesus. This community is led by Kirby Smyth (she/her) and aspires to bring its fellowship of women closer to the Divine, providing a set-apart time and sacred space to grow a deeper relationship with God. They gather in the mornings as a community for one hour and participate in individual worship through music, art, and self-guided meditation, inviting the Holy Spirit in to resonate throughout the day. More opportunities for group worship and community creation are coming soon! *Please note, this community is for those who identify as women only.
Visit www.warriorsoflightkc.com to learn more.
Farmstead Eight
Farmstead Eight (formerly Harvest Table) is a NWC that emerged from a worship experiment and is growing into a larger vision for their eight acres of property surrounding the church building. Their gatherings include communion and a fellowship meal after worship. The community believes in showing up as their real selves, sharing authentically with others and watching the Spirit bless and shape them in real ways. Together, they are creating a community where all are welcome and safe to wonder and question, explore and discover, know and be known.
This community is led by Rev. Clare Lozano (she/her). Connect with them through their website.
The Arabic Fellowship is a spiritual and social ministry to the Arabic-speaking communities of the Kansas City area led by Amgad Megally (he/him). They worship weekly in Arabic and English, gather outside of worship to encourage our community, and serve the Arabic-speaking immigrants of this city of all faiths. English-speaking friends are welcome to join them any time!
Reach out to Amgad for more information: amgadf70@yahoo.com.
Guerreros en Oración
Guerreros en Oración is a Spanish-speaking prayer community led by Carmen Flores (she her). This NWC is partnering with Grandview Park Presbyterian Church. Carmen is an interpreter and co-pastor at Grandview Park.
Connect with this community on their Facebook page or by emailing Carmen: carmita_flores_kc@hotmail.com.
Thread Community
Led by Emily Bartlett (she/her), this brand new NWC is partnering with Westport Presbyterian Church. Emily is a Drama Therapist and a leader and antiracism trainer with The Open Table. Thread Community will explore spirituality through Playback Theatre, centering empathy and sacred storytelling.
If you’d like to learn more or connect with this community, please contact Emily: emrbartlett@gmail.com.
Parkville Living Center
Led by Marcus Flores (he/him) and partnering with Parkville Presbyterian Church, the Parkville Living Center aims to engage the local community and provide a space to be in relationship with our neighbors, our deeper self, and with God. Marcus may be the torchbearer, but with God's grace and blessing this NWC will be an inspired collection of efforts from the surrounding community of Parkville, Missouri.
If you’d like to connect with Marcus and this community, please visit parkvillelivingcenter.org.
Art Church
Art Church (in partnership with Second Presbyterian) is an exploration of how the Divine lives in us all and speaks to us through creativity. Led by Madison Mae Parker (she/her), this NWC explores the interconnections of art, stories, justice, and the various ways we can be embodied through creativity. Madi is a writer, performer, interdisciplinary artist, and arts educator; when she's not arting, you can find her watching anime and eating Hot Cheetos with her cat MeowZaki.
Connect with Madi and Art Church: madisonmaeparker@gmail.com.
JOY Community
The JOY Community gathers in a beautiful, sacred space offering solace and restoration for body and soul. JOY’s birth was from a Laudato Si understanding of seeking equity through both social and environmental justice. Community leaders offer opportunities for sacred connections as they honor the Matthew 25 call. JOY hosts monthly gatherings (currently online) including candle or sage-burning prayer vigils in response to local and global needs and opportunities for advocacy in eco-justice and honoring God’s gift of Creation. Come, share enriching opportunities for body and soul through heart-centered breathing and gentle yoga as JOY gathers in the Spirit of the ever-present Christ. Come to JOY — Justice, Outreach and Yoga.
Connect with Diane Waddell (she/her) and JOY Community: forglobalhealth@gmail.com
Ubuntu Community
Led by Rev. Letiah Fraser, this NWC is partnering with Second Presbyterian Church. The Ubuntu (pronounced Oo-Boon-Too) Community is an intentional virtual community committed to holistic living, and devoted to communal or shared liberation. It is comprised of individuals who have never been churched, those disillusioned with church, those who are struggling to remain in the church and are considering leaving, and those who love the Church and hope for a tangible faith that is embodied through active justice. Learn more about Ubuntu: theubuntu.community.